Welcone to my Blog

Dear All,
Tujuan utama saya membuat blog ini adalah untuk berdiskusi mengenai beberapa hal yang menarik minat saya. diantaranya soal Kehidupan Seorang Pelaut yang dimata orang awam dinilai negative, benarkah seperti itu ?, apa ada Pelaut yang religius ? apa saja hikmah yang didapat oleh Pelaut selama mengarungi samudra yang seolah tak bertepi ? . Saya akan menceritakan semua kepada anda, tanpa ada yang ditutup-tutupi, InsyaALLAH.

Kamis, Februari 11, 2016

Google Adsense Approval 2016

Google Adsense is the one of the most popular online earning medium for bloggers and web masters and website owners.
Google Pays you for displaying their ads on your website, it pay per clicks as well as per 1000 views . And click or views revenue depends on country of visitors of your page.
As your payout becomes 10$ then google adsense send PIN verification to verifying your adsense account.
And Minimum payout is $100 which you can withdraw via EFT or you can get via check at your PIN verified address,
Google Adsense bans accounts of people who use copied or scraped content.
It has zero tolerance for copied and scraped content. Its easy to get adsense account , if you are not easily getting adsense account and you are facing problem with your account then you can approach me .
I will help you in this . Contact me at email id dk@choicedelhi.in Skype speakmeme
We provide Google Adsense Account Approval 2016 For India USA UK and other countries.
You can submit your inquiry also here http://goo.gl/forms/oAaI7rMt4V

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