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Dear All,
Tujuan utama saya membuat blog ini adalah untuk berdiskusi mengenai beberapa hal yang menarik minat saya. diantaranya soal Kehidupan Seorang Pelaut yang dimata orang awam dinilai negative, benarkah seperti itu ?, apa ada Pelaut yang religius ? apa saja hikmah yang didapat oleh Pelaut selama mengarungi samudra yang seolah tak bertepi ? . Saya akan menceritakan semua kepada anda, tanpa ada yang ditutup-tutupi, InsyaALLAH.

Jumat, September 15, 2017

Total War: Warhammer: Trainer (+17) [1.6.0 Build 14562] {MrAntiFun}

Trainer options F1 - Active Trainer F2 - Infinite Movement Lords F3 - Infinite Movement Heroes F4 - Infinite Population Surplus Hordes F5 - Infinite Population Surplus F6 - Infinite Public Order F7 - Fast Research F8 - Fast Recruiting F9 - Fast Construction F10 - Recover Troops Size F11 - Super Unit Size F12 - Instant Skill Cooldown Numpad 1 - Infinite Magic Numpad 2 - Infinite Ammo Numpad 3 - God Mode Numpad 4 - Add 1000 Exp Of Selected Lord or Hero [x] - Set Money [x] - Generals Skill Points Notice: You shouldn't use Hordes surplus population unless you playing Hordes faction To edit money click on Game Editor button then enter value and edit it, You must have the trainer activated and open any city in game before using the money editor For Skill Points first select any Hero or Lord then enter wanted value of skill points and set it, It will only effect selected Hero or Lord Your units may still lose 3-4 or even 10 soldiers per but will not go lower with god mode on. For Exp to work first activate trainer then select a Hero or a Lord then click on it and once selected press the exp hotkey then click away to something else then click back on Hero or Lord to see cheat effect,You will still have to gain 1 exp in game for that Hero or Lord for rank to level up instantly to as much exp as you added Short Documentaries

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